jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Canis salsicium

That's my friend Titus vom Schütthause. He's a purebred wire-haired sausage dog but most often he seems to think he's some sort of amphibious creature (he behaves like an otter). He is a short-legged elongated hound with a really good heart. Actually he treats me with excessive indulgence: when I am with him, he allows me to do everything I wish to do, I may even bite him or pull at his ears or his tail, he doesn't mind. But he is a chaser, a real hunter: If you are a mouse, a cat, a hare or a boar, well, then he'd be no good company for you.

2 comentarios:

  1. Daniela Grimilde & Brigitta16 de noviembre de 2012, 15:09

    Bassotto a pelo ruvido? Meraviglioso, adoro i bassotti di questo tipo, e so che sono intelligenti ed ostinati. :)
